On the second day of the event, May 28, 2019, the of theSecond Regional Seminar for the Asia-Pacific Region Parliaments on Achievingthe Sustainable Development Goals, attendees hosted the Roundtable Discussionsin three groups.
Group I on the Roleof Parliamentarians in ensuring SDGs implementation
Moderator: Ms. Beate Trankmann, United Nation's ResidentCoordinator and UNDP's Resident Representative in Mongolia
- What could parliaments do to better engage with thecitizens on SDG implementation? What communication strategies have provedeffective?
- How could Parliaments provide the opportunity for diversegroups, most notably marginalized and vulnerable populations, to take part innational dialogue and policy making on the SDGs enabling citizens to expressviews, voice concerns and demand accountability?
Group II on Healthand related issues
Moderator: Mr. Riccardo Mesiano, Sustainable DevelopmentOfficer, United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific
- How can parliaments and parliamentarians ensure thathealth issues are included in strategies and policies on development, climatechange and education?
- What mechanisms can be put in place to monitor theimplementation and impact of legislation and policies addressing maternal,child and adolescent health, as well as HIV/AIDS and other diseases?
Group III on ClimateChange and related issues
Moderator: Ms. Undraa Agvaanluvsan, MP, Mongolia
- As regards advancing the implementation of the SDGs in thearea of climate change, how can parliaments ensure their national resilienceand adaptive capacity to climate related hazards and natural disasters isstrengthened, and how can they ensure that climate change measures areintegrated into national policies?
- What can parliaments do to improve education,awareness-raising and human and institutional capacity on climate changemitigation, adaptation, impact reduction and early warning?