Weekly review for May 3-7, 2021


May 3, 2021. Members of the State Great Hural D.Unurbolor, J.Sukhbaatar, J.Chinburen, B.Bayarsaikhan and Ts.Tuvaan called a press conference announcing that the “Thank you to doctors and medical staff” campaign was launched in cooperation with the “Giving Day Movement” NGO.


May 4, 2021. A virtual meeting themed on “Ensuring Citizen Participation in Legislative Activities” was organized by the Secretariat of the Mongolian Parliament, the United States Agency for International Development, and the International Republican Institute as part of a series of exchange of experiences.

May 4, 2021. At the Standing Committee meeting on Legal Affairs, the Standing Committee resolution was ratified to amend the Law on the Legal Status of Human Rights Defenders. Within the amendments, the National Human Rights Commission of Mongolia will have six members and the revised law will go into force from July 1, 2021. Currently, the Commission has five members and the sixth member will be responsible in charge of human rights issues.

May 4, 2021. At the Standing Committee meeting on Social Policy, the final discussion of the draft law was held to amend the Law on Benefits for Single Mothers/Fathers with Many Children.

May 4, 2021. Members of the State Great Hural G.Ganbold, T.Enkhtuvshin, N.Naranbaatar, J.Batjargal, D.Unurbolor, D.Batlut, Ts.Sandag-Ochir and Kh.Bolorchuluun handed a bill to the Chairman G.Zandanshatar to amend the Law on Social Insurance. According to the bill, the social insurance premium is to be reduced by two percent.

May 4, 2021. A virtual training themed on “Common criteria for monitoring constitutional violations” was organized by Parliamentary Research Institute.

May 4, 2021. At the Standing Committee meeting on Security and Foreign Policy, it was agreed to make amendments to the Loan Agreement: COVID-19 Rapid Response Program established between Mongolia and the Asian Development Bank.

May 4, 2021. At the Standing Committee meeting on Budget, it was agreed to discuss was the 2022 Fiscal Framework Statement of the Budget of Mongolia and draft law on budget projections for 2023-2024. Also, it was agreed to make amendments to the Loan Agreement: COVID-19 Rapid Response Program established between Mongolia and the Asian Development Bank

May 4, 2021. The ad hoc committee responsible for oversight the implementation of the Parliament Resolution No.92/2019 on “Ensuring the Interests of Mongolia in the Development of the Oyu Tolgoi deposit” heard the Government report on Oyu tolgoi investment issues.


May 5, 2021. Mr. Kh.Gankhuyag, a member of the State Great Hural (Parliament) of Mongolia and Head of the Mongolia-Estonia Parliamentary Group in the State Great Hural (Parliament), held an online meeting with Mr. Kaido Hццvelson, a member of the 14th Riigikogu (Parliament) of the Republic of Estonia and Head of the Estonia-Mongolia Parliamentary Group in the Riigikogu (Parliament).

May 5, 2021. At the plenary session of the State Great Hural, the Law on Benefits for Single Mothers/Fathers with Many Children was ratified by majority of votes. After, the revised draft Law on Deposits, Money Transfers, and Credit Operations of Banks and Authorized Legal Entities was discussed and agreed to transfer to affilate Standing Committee for final discussion.


May 6, 2021. At the plenary session of the State Great Hural, the first issue agreed to discuss was the 2022 Fiscal Framework Statement of the Budget of Mongolia and draft law on budget projections for 2023-2024. The draft law was transferred to the Standing Committee on Budget for the first discussion. After, the Constitutional Court’s conclusion No.3 was reviewed and by majority of votes, the conclusion was rejected to accept.


May 7, 2021. The Chairman of the State Great Hural G.Zandanshatar received Minister of Labor and Social Welfare A.Ariunzaya, Governor of the Bank of Mongolia B.Lkhagvasuren, Executive Director of “Erdenes Mongol” LLC D.Khayankhyarvaa and Executive Director of “Erdenes Silver Resource” LLC T.Munkhbayar and got acquainted with the process of issuing 1.0 million MNT voucher to the elderly persons.


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