We,the people of Mongolia:
- strengthening the independence andsovereignty of the nation,
- cherishing human rights and freedoms,justice, and national unity,
- inheriting the traditions of nationalstatehood, history, and culture,
- respecting the accomplishments of humancivilization,
- and aspiring toward the supremeobjective of building a humane, civil and democratic society in the country
Herebyproclaim the Constitution of Mongolia.
Preambleof the Constitution of Mongolia, 1992
TheConstitution, the cornerstone of the Mongolian state, is the sum of the highestnorms that define the basis of the relationship between the state and thecitizen, and express the people's basic values of justice.
Twenty-nineyears ago today, on January 13, 1992, Mongolia adopted a new democraticconstitution. And by the resolution of the People's Great Hural of the People'sRepublic of Mongolia dated January 14, 1992, it was enacted to promulgate theConstitution Day of Mongolia annually on January 13th.
Onthe occasion of this Day, Mongolia commemorates today the 29thanniversary of the promulgation of its modern constitution.
Inthis regard, the Speaker of the State Great Hural (Parliament) of MongoliaG.Zandanshatar addressed today on January 13, 2021 byhailing the significant role of the Constitution in strengthening the country'sindependence and sovereignty, as well as consolidating the unity and solidarityof the society.
Mongoliaenacted its First Constitution on November 26, 1924 and had threeconstitutions, in effect from June 30, 1940; July 6, 1960; and January 13,1992. The latest and current Constitution consists of a preamble followed bysix chapters divided into 70 articles that underwent three amendments in 1999,2001 and 2019 respectively.
Thelatest amendment to the Constitution of Mongolia, which was adopted by theState Great Hural (Parliament) of Mongolia on November 14, 2019, entered intoforce nationwide on May 25, 2020.
Theamendment, which improved 28.5 percent of the total contents in theConstitution or 19 articles, 35 clauses out of 70 articles, was made in fourdifferent areas of parliamentary system and governance, executive power,enhancement of accountability of judicial systems and of local governancesystem.
Pressand Public Relations Department of the State Great Hural