Following to public criticism and protests overirresponsible transportation of a woman with confirmed COVID-19 and her newbornbaby from Maternity Hospital to the National Center for Communicable Diseases, theDeputy Prime Minister Ya.Sodbaatar and Minister of Health T.Munkhsaikhan statedto submit their resignation letters on January 20, 2021.
After the situation, an irregular Cabinet meeting took placeearly morning today, where the Prime Minister U.Khurelsukh expressed hisposition to resign. The proposal was supported by the party board members aswell as by the MPP caucus members at the State Great Hural (Parliament). Thereafter,the issue was proceeded through the Standing Committee meeting on StateStructures and was agreed to discuss the Standing Committee resolution onresignation of the Prime Minister of Mongolia at the plenary session.
During the Standing Committee meeting, Prime Minister U.Khurelsukhemphasized, “I'm not running away from responsibilities instead I'm taking it.As a father of daughter, I am deeply regret and sorry by what happened. Mongoliangovernment should not commit such irresponsible, unethical and inhumane actsagainst anyone again. I am making this decision as an example of the fact that one’smistake is the Cabinet’s mistake.”
Consequently, the Standing Committee resolution to withdrawMP U.Khurelsukh from the Prime Minister’s position was discussed at the plenarysession of the State Great Hural and after debate it was approved by 60parliamentarians out of 63 MPs attended.